221 Broadway
Denver, Co 80203

phone   303.469.5599
fax   303.469.5588


Company     History | Crew | Accountability | Services

Company Accountability
Prestige's crewmembers are instructed not only to be accountable for their own actions, but also to hold their fellow crewmembers accountable for their actions as well. Prestige is able to offer our crewmembers a higher rate of starting pay than our competitors because we have structured our pay scales to operate as commission accounts. This also allows us to charge-back our crewmembers for any damages that may occur on site. Each member of a crew will be charged back equally for damages incurred. This means that if someone is not performing to the best of their ability, a co-worker will address the individual in question, and refocus their efforts.

L. Ronnell Richmond, President, Principal
Special Recognition
Mark Johnson & Jim Johnson, Minority Holders